1. What is the address of the Company’s headquarters?
Beisanli Street, Economic Development Zone, Changle County, Weifang, Shandong, 262400, the People’s Republic of China.
2. What is the Company’s business?
We are one of the leading cold roll formed steel profile manufacturers in China.
3. What is the Company’s ticker symbol?
The Company’s ticker symbol is “HLP”.
4. How can I purchase/trade the Company’s stock?
You may contact your brokerage firm that you opened your stock account for detailed information.
5. How many outstanding shares the Company has to the date?
As of June 30, 2023, there were 12,371,875 ordinary shares issued and outstanding.
6. When dose the Company’s fiscal year end?
The fiscal year ends on 12/31.
7. Who is Company’s auditor?
The Company’s auditor is RBSM LLP.
8. Who is Company’s transfer agent?
The Company’s transfer agent is TranShare Corporation.
9. Whom should I contact regarding investor inquires?
All investor inquiries are to be directed to the following:
Ms. Huimin Lv
Email: zongjingban@hongli-profile.com
Mobile: +86-18865366208 (from China)